Cancer is second only to Coronary Artery Disease in overall mortality in the UnitedStates. Amongst all the cancers, lung cancer is the most common and is associatedwith the highest cancer related mortality amongst both genders. Lung cancerspresent with metastasis about 50% of the time [1]. The most common sites of lungmetastases include the adrenal glands, brain, bone, liver, lymph nodes, and the contralaterallung. However, gastrointestinal (GI) metastasis and manifestations are rare.Most of the reported cases of lung cancer metastasis to the gastrointestinal tractinvolve the small bowel (2-5) and occur through lymphatic spread. We present a rarecase of a primary papillary (subtype) adenocarcinoma of the lung recurring as lowerGI bleeding due to colonic metastasis.
Viplove Senadhi , Deepika Arora , Dennis Emuron , Manish Arora , Andrew Ghaly , Franklin Marsh